About Us
Our Vision
We are a 501(C)(3) nonprofit, Christian community development corporation that has been working in the Exposition Park neighborhood in South Los Angeles since 1992 to create a safe, healthy, opportunity-rich community where children, youth and their families thrive. Our focus is on creating a network of programs and partners that will support the children in our neighborhood from birth to college and career.
Our Christian faith is at the center of all we do. We seek the welfare of children first. We are committed to community-based strategies in which neighbors work together toward common goals. We seek to preserve the ethnic, cultural and socioeconomic diversity of our community while pursuing justice, advocacy, and compassion for those who are most vulnerable among us. Beauty, art, and celebration are central to our work and community life.

What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.
- Micah 6:8
Our Mission
We envision a community where neighbors bring renewal and restoration to broken-down systems. Where children will reach their academic potential, businesses will thrive, crime-rates will drop and streets will be transformed from disrepair to beauty.
We envision a community where peace gains the upper hand. Where vigilant neighbors look out for each others’ children. Where public parks become safe places for play. Where neighborhood youth see positive options for their futures, eclipsing the allure of gangs. Where African American, Latin American, Anglo and Asian neighbors forge relationships of mutual respect and care.
We envision a community where men and women pass on a legacy of hope to the next generation. Where hard work brings rich rewards. Where parents find the physical, educational, spiritual and social resources their children need. Where residents young and old see a future for themselves that is worth sacrificing for.