For nearly 30 years, Redeemer Community Partnership (RCP) has engaged South LA residents and business owners in efforts to enhance public health and safety. These efforts have included planting trees, painting murals, installing LED street lighting, closing four nuisance liquor stores, winning the closure and clean-up of a toxic, neighborhood oil drilling site, and more.
As a community-based organization whose staff all live in the community, we have extensive
experience and value for inclusive decision-making processes, building consensus around residents’ urgent concerns, and working closely with government agencies and leaders to move community identified solutions forward.

In 2013, Redeemer Community Partnership began a community visioning process that culminated in 2016 with a $6 million Active Transportation Program (ATP) grant awarded to the City of Los Angeles. The California Transportation Commission ranked the proposal #8 out of 447 proposals.
The project, currently in the engineering design phase, will break ground in 2020. It includes funding for repaired sidewalks, pedestrian lighting, bike lanes, street trees, landscaped medians and more along a one mile stretch of Jefferson Blvd. in South LA. The project will improve safety along a street the City has assigned to its High Injury Network-- streets with the highest concentration of severe injuries and deaths involving people walking and bicycling.
In August 2017 LA Curbed published an article on “How one LA community is uniting to transform Jefferson Boulevard."
In 2019 the City of Los Angeles asked Redeemer Community Partnership to partner on re-envisioning a second High Injury Network street in our community.

Our community needs visionary leaders who will creatively intervene in the destructive cycles of poverty and community disorganization.
We need human links who will connect people with the resources they lack—housing, counseling, medical treatment, sports leagues, employment, legal assistance, recovery programs.
We need programs that empower parents and children to work together toward academic success.
We need block clubs and neighborhood associations that will do the hard work of rooting out crime and obtaining critical services from the city.
We need mentors and activities for our youth that will help them discover God’s purposes for their lives.

RCP believes that all these needs are best addressed by leaders who live in the community and who are committed to developing new leaders from within. RCP’s core staff and volunteers maintain a steady, daily, local presence in the lives of those we serve. At the same time, we recognize that communities like ours don’t have all of the funding sources, volunteers, professional resources and political power needed for transformation. So we actively recruit partners from the outside.