
Reading Buddies
Reading Buddies read one-on-one with students in our Adventures Ahead after-school Tutoring Program. It is amazing how much children thrive on the individual attention and focused instruction that volunteers give them. And it is a tremendous joy to be part of a child's learning to read or developing a love for reading.
We are in need of Reading Buddies who can commit one hour a week to reading with a child on either Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. All Reading Buddies must complete a background check.

Break Free from
Fossil Fuels
Break Free from Fossil Fuels addresses the environmental injustice of toxic, neighborhood oil drilling in South LA and equips residents with energy and water efficiency tools, resources and rebates to live free from fossil fuels. Morning sessions will present these educational materials in interactive stations and panel discussions, followed in the afternoon by presentations and a resource fair linking residents to free energy and water efficiency products (e.g. LED bulbs, garden hose sprayers, shower timers, etc.) and rebates (e.g. HVAC heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, electric vehicles, electric lawnmowers, etc.) with differentiated information for renters and homeowners. Break Free from Fossil Fuels creates a virtuous cycle by equipping residents to reduce or eliminate their demand for fossil fuels, protect the health and safety of their children and families, and engage effectively with regulating bodies to eliminate risks associated with neighborhood oil drilling.
To volunteer, become a sponsor email Richard.

Benefit Dinner
Redeemer Community Partnership’s annual benefit dinner is a celebration of community transformation. You will leave deeply encouraged. The dinner also provides a wonderful way to friends who may be interested in supporting the work. If you would like to attend or host a table of 10 persons, please contact us at admin@redeemercp.org. If you would like to become an event sponsor please contact Richard Parks, president, at richard@redeemercp.org.